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Court Rules & Access
For CSC members and their guests; members must be present with guests
Each member household can occupy at most one court at a time
Members are not required to make a reservation to play, but reservations take precedence over walk-up play. See
Tennis > Reserve a Court
to make a reservation.
Courts are solely for tennis and pickleball
No food or drink besides water
Smoking is prohibited on all CSC grounds
No pets allowed on Club property
No bicycles, rollerblades, or skateboards
Do not abuse nets or other equipment
No profanity
No camp chairs or other foreign objects on the court
If you are the last person to leave the courts, lock up behind you even if it isn’t evening
Court hours are 8 am to 9 pm, seven days per week
Lights must be out by 9 pm, and you must confirm that lights are out before leaving
Repeated and intentional violation of rules after several warnings could result in suspended access to the courts and/or the reservation system
Members are responsible for their guests’ behavior
Guests that repeatedly cause problems with members or staff will not be permitted to return
Members are not required to make a reservation to play, but reservations take precedence over walk-up play
As of September 2020, each household can make one reservation per day and two reservations in the coming week. (You don’t need to worry about accidentally exceeding this; this logic is embedded into the reservation system, and it will permit you to keep making reservations unless you’ve hit your limit.)
A member of the reserving family must be present and participating;
you cannot “donate” your reservation quota to another family. Please don’t try to get around the reservation limits.
There is no limit on how often a member can play; the limits only apply to making reservations.
The reservation slot is capped at 1.5 hours long
If your reserved court is occupied when you arrive, politely mention to the players that you have it reserved as of XX:XX.
Likewise, if you are playing on a court when a reservation arrives, you are expected to politely and promptly leave the court at the time of the reservation
To make a reservation, simply click on the tennis ball icon at the top of the page (while logged into your member account), and it will take you to the
court schedule
. Navigate to and click on the date and time you want, and follow the steps.
Access to the Courts
Opening the Lock
Our courts are locked with a Bluetooth-enabled lock that can be open with a smartphone app or smartwatch. To receive access:
Please review the court rules above.
Fill out the form
requesting access to the court lock.
You will receive an email directly from MasterLock with instructions on setting up an account and downloading the app. (Note that the MasterLock email will have a temporary password in it that some people have been overlooking.)
Once you have the app installed, you should be good to go:
When you get to the gate, open the app on your phone, and press the button in the center of the lock to wake it up
The lock should then appear as visible in your app
Swipe the “Unlock” button and listen for the click (the lock also turns from blue to green, but that can be hard to see in the sunlight)
HOA/Swim & Tennis Club Software by
PoolDues v9.0